Friday, May 5, 2017

Friday, May 5, 2017

Hello Friends and Families!  Happy Friday!

Reading Workshop
The past few weeks we have been focused on meeting the characters in our books.  We revisited the importance of previewing new stories to get ready for our new reading adventures. We discussed the importance of learning all we can about our characters from clues the author gives us.  With our partners we practiced connecting the parts of our stories together (how the problem in the story is connected to the beginning of the story OR how the problem gets solved closer to the end of a story).  We also talked about the importance of noticing character relationships and how that helps us get to know our characters better.  We've been practicing rereading as well to discover new details about our characters that we may have missed the first time around.

Writing Workshop
In writing we have begun our final unit about writing our fictional characters.  We tapped into our instinct to pretend.  We created characters, thought up imaginative settings for them, created ways to get them in and out of trouble, and somehow manage to end the story happily.

In math we have completed our unit on length.  We have compared and ordered by length, we used a third object to indirectly measure and compare 2 objects, and we used connecting cubes as nonstandard units to measure and compare the lengths and heights of objects.  This week we begun our unit on time.  We began by first making sure we understood the hour and minute hand.  Then we learned to tell and write time to the hour on both an analog and digital clock.  

Important Dates:
May 10th-PLC Early Dismissal
May 18th-Trip to Barnes Nature Center
May 24th-PLC Early Dismissal
June 13-15th-Early Dismissal
June 14th-Field Day/Picnic/Author's Celebration (more info to follow)
June 15th-Last Day of School

Barnes Nature Center Visits Wheeler

Friday, March 31, 2017

Hello Friends and Families!  Happy Friday!

Reading Workshop
The past few weeks we have been focused on using our reading tools to understand our books.  We learned the importance of rereading when something doesn't make sense or when we are aware that we don't understand a portion of text. We discussed the importance of making a movie in our minds to picture or visualize what is taking place to help us understand what is happening in the story.  With our partners we practiced acting out portions of our books to help us understand this skill.  We also talked about the importance of keeping track of who is talking.  One way readers can do this is by paying close attention to quotation marks and dialogue tags (said Bill, shouted Ted).

Writing Workshop
In writing we getting ready to conclude our persuasive writing unit.  The students have written all types of reviews including restaurants, movies, games, toys, and books.  One of their favorite pieces was persuading the leprechaun to come to their trap.  We learned to talk right to our readers balancing that fine line of being persuasive but not bossy.  We learned to write catchy introductions and conclusions with urgency.  We also worked with our writing partners to give each other writing check ups to make sure our reviews made sense and were easy to read.

In math we have continued our experience with tens and ones.  We added groups of 10, added tens on a hundred chart, added tens to 2-digit numbers, used mental math to add tens, added to a 2-digit number and we practiced solving word problems. I reinforced the importance of drawing pictures and writing number sentences.  I also challenged the students to find another way to solve the problem.

Working on adding with pattern blocks

Read Across America Day

Problem Solving with a group

Addition/Subtraction Quizes

Working with tens and ones

West End Blend Assembly

Have a wonderful weekend!

😊  Mrs. Mocarsky ðŸ˜Š

Please remember:
-practice +/- facts to 20-return book bags daily
-wear sneakers on Friday

-return library books on Thursday

Sunday, February 19, 2017

What's the News in Room 10 Week of 2/13/17

Hello Friends and Families!  Happy Friday!

Reading Workshop
The past few weeks we have been focused on adding new tools to read challenging words.  We discussed strategies such as thinking about the story to problem-solve words, thinking about what kind of word would fit, slowing down to break up long words, and using words we already know to help solve words we don't know.  As partners we have learned to keep track of the story, making sure our partner's reading sounds right, and reminding our partners to use what they know about word parts when they get to a tricky word.

Writing Workshop
In writing we have begun our unit on persuasive writing.  We have learned to explain judgements in convincing ways by giving as many reasons as possible for our opinions.  We have read and studied the work of others (using other students' work-not in our class, as an example).  We have learned to expect that others will disagree with us and how we can politely disagree with others.

In math we expanded our experience with tens and ones.  We counted with groups of 10's and leftovers, discussed numbers mad with 1's, discussed writing numbers in expanded form (46 is 4 ten's and 6 ones or 40+6=46).  We learned to break apart a ten to make 10 ones and write new representations in expanded form.  We also learned to make an organized list to show and write a give 2-digit number.  When we return from our long weekend, we will begin our topic on comparing and ordering numbers to 100.

100th Day of School!
On Friday, Feb. 3rd we celebrated the 100th day of school!!  Thank you very much to Mr. Thorpe who came in and helped out with a super-fun gum ball machine/100th day activity!  We also made maracas to celebrate our special day!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Hello Friends and Families!  Happy Friday!

Reading Workshop
This week in Reading Workshop we discussed taking ownership of our reading which we call "Being the BOSS of your own reading".  We celebrated signs of perseverance, discussed the importance of using ALL the strategies we know, as well as how important it is to stop when you're stuck AND when something doesn't seem right.  I also taught a reminder lesson on helping readers find the right tool for the (reading) job by asking these 3 important questions:  Does it look right?  Does it sound right?  Does it make sense?

Writing Workshop
This week we will finish up our unit on nonfiction writing.  As I mentioned in conferences, we have researched and wrote about 3 topics together:  Ponies, Owls, and Reindeer.  We will also take this week and research and write about tigers.  We have learned as writers of nonfiction, we can teach others about a topic we know all about.  We have learned about the text features used in nonfiction writing:  a big all about topic, a table of contents, headings on each page, pictures that include labels and/or captions.  We learned the purpose of an introduction and conclusion and what to include in each.  This final book will be a topic of their choosing and will be done independently.  Next week we will get back to our persuasive unit on writing reviews.

This week in math we will finish up our topic on subtraction facts.  In this topic we have learned to make 10 to subtract, use related facts and fact families and using addition to help us subtract.  We will move on to our topic on counting and number patterns to 120.  We will start by making and using numbers 11-19 and counting by 10's to 120.


The students will receive a spelling homework packet beginning Monday, 1/23.  They will receive a menu of options to practice their spelling words and they can choose 3 different ways to practice them each week.  They will receive the packet on Monday and it is due back the following Monday.   Please continue to have them read from their book bags each night and to practice their addition and subtraction facts to 20.

Also, you have probably noticed a reading log coming home.  We have begun tracking our reading because we have a goal of individually reading 75 books by May!!  Any book they read at home may be counted as well as any books read on Raz-Kids.  Happy Reading!!

Have a wonderful weekend!

😊  Mrs. Mocarsky ðŸ˜Š

Please remember:
-practice +/- facts to 20-return book bags daily
-wear sneakers on Friday
-return library books on Thursday

Math Rotations

At the beginning of January, Mr. Line from High Touch High Tech kicked off our science unit on light and shadow.  We had a blast doing experiments with a flashlight!