Reading Workshop
Writing Workshop
This week we will finish up our unit on nonfiction writing. As I mentioned in conferences, we have researched and wrote about 3 topics together: Ponies, Owls, and Reindeer. We will also take this week and research and write about tigers. We have learned as writers of nonfiction, we can teach others about a topic we know all about. We have learned about the text features used in nonfiction writing: a big all about topic, a table of contents, headings on each page, pictures that include labels and/or captions. We learned the purpose of an introduction and conclusion and what to include in each. This final book will be a topic of their choosing and will be done independently. Next week we will get back to our persuasive unit on writing reviews.
This week in math we will finish up our topic on subtraction facts. In this topic we have learned to make 10 to subtract, use related facts and fact families and using addition to help us subtract. We will move on to our topic on counting and number patterns to 120. We will start by making and using numbers 11-19 and counting by 10's to 120.
The students will receive a spelling homework packet beginning Monday, 1/23. They will receive a menu of options to practice their spelling words and they can choose 3 different ways to practice them each week. They will receive the packet on Monday and it is due back the following Monday. Please continue to have them read from their book bags each night and to practice their addition and subtraction facts to 20.Also, you have probably noticed a reading log coming home. We have begun tracking our reading because we have a goal of individually reading 75 books by May!! Any book they read at home may be counted as well as any books read on Raz-Kids. Happy Reading!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
😊 Mrs. Mocarsky 😊
Please remember:
-practice +/- facts to 20-return book bags daily
-wear sneakers on Friday
-return library books on Thursday