Thursday, November 6, 2014

Week of 11/3/14

Hi Everyone!  I apologize for the late post this week.  Its been a crazy week for sure!  Here is what we have been learning this week:

In Reading Workshop, we have been working on retelling a book to make sure we understand what happened.  We practice retelling in order saying what happened first, next, then, and finally.  Readers can open the book and touch the parts of it as they retell.  Please encourage them to do this with you at home as well.  We learned to use what we know about other words to figure out new words, figure out tricky words by saying the sounds of the beginning letters, and also looking at the end of a word to help figure it out.

In Writing Workshop, we are working on finishing up our unit on writing small moments.  We will spend some time focusing on stretching out our most important part in our piece, trying our hand at using craft moves we've noticed other authors use in our own writing (such as pop out words, ellipses, and exact actions), and editing our work with a writer's checklist.

In math we are still plugging away at our subtraction unit.  This week we are learning to write related addition and subtraction problems, write and identify different subtraction sentences that are true for the same model, and use counters to act out and solve subtraction story problems.

A Few Reminders:
-please send book baggies in daily so that students can swap out the books they are reading at home daily.
-have your child read every night-whether it be the book bag books or Raz-Kids, or a combination of both.
-send in an old sock to be used as a white board eraser.
-practice addition and subtraction facts to 10.

Have a great week!!!
Mrs. Mocarsky

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