Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Month of December

Hi Everyone!  Happy Thursday!!!  The time is flying!!!  Let me recap what we have been learning over the past few weeks.

In Reader's Workshop, we have been focused on dramatizing characters and deepening our comprehension as we read.  We have been practicing using cues from the author as to how a sentence or part of a book should be read.  We have been paying attention to when characters are yelling, shouting, whispering, etc. and using those cues to help us understand how a character is feeling and why.  We have been trying to notice when a character is talking or when a narrator is telling part of the story.  We have thinking about the beginning, middle and end of our stories and how the character changes throughout the course of the story.  We have been practicing thinking like actors where we study the characters' feelings, words, and actions and acting out scenes in our stories with our partners.  We have also been working very hard on envisioning or picturing the details of what's happening in a story to help us understand our reading.

In Writing Workshop, we have been focused on opinion writing and more specifically writing reviews.  We have talked about why review writers write reviews, the power of persuasion, and the rating systems involved in writing reviews.  As writers we are learning to talk right to our readers and talk back (politely) to our readers who disagree.  We are watching our tone to make sure we aren't too bossy but still to the point.  We are making comparisons in our writing and we are learning to include suggestions and warnings.  We have learned to hook our readers with catchy introductions by asking questions, naming our topic, and finally giving our opinion.

In math we have moved on from our addition and subtraction facts to 12 topic and now we learning our addition facts to 20.  We start out by learning about doubles and near doubles (doubles plus one and doubles plus 2).  Our focus will be discussing the strategies that we can use to help us solve these problems.  Example, if you know 6+6=12, then you know 6+7=13 because the parts or addends are 1 number different, therefore the sums are 1 number different as well.

Have a fantastic weekend!!!!
Mrs. Mocarsky

A Few Reminders:
-early dismissal Tuesday, 12/23
-please send book baggies in DAILY so that students can swap out the books they are reading at home daily.
-have your child read every night-whether it be the book bag books or Raz-Kids, or a combination of both.
-send in an old sock to be used as a white board eraser.
-practice addition and subtraction facts to 20.

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