Friday, May 5, 2017

Friday, May 5, 2017

Hello Friends and Families!  Happy Friday!

Reading Workshop
The past few weeks we have been focused on meeting the characters in our books.  We revisited the importance of previewing new stories to get ready for our new reading adventures. We discussed the importance of learning all we can about our characters from clues the author gives us.  With our partners we practiced connecting the parts of our stories together (how the problem in the story is connected to the beginning of the story OR how the problem gets solved closer to the end of a story).  We also talked about the importance of noticing character relationships and how that helps us get to know our characters better.  We've been practicing rereading as well to discover new details about our characters that we may have missed the first time around.

Writing Workshop
In writing we have begun our final unit about writing our fictional characters.  We tapped into our instinct to pretend.  We created characters, thought up imaginative settings for them, created ways to get them in and out of trouble, and somehow manage to end the story happily.

In math we have completed our unit on length.  We have compared and ordered by length, we used a third object to indirectly measure and compare 2 objects, and we used connecting cubes as nonstandard units to measure and compare the lengths and heights of objects.  This week we begun our unit on time.  We began by first making sure we understood the hour and minute hand.  Then we learned to tell and write time to the hour on both an analog and digital clock.  

Important Dates:
May 10th-PLC Early Dismissal
May 18th-Trip to Barnes Nature Center
May 24th-PLC Early Dismissal
June 13-15th-Early Dismissal
June 14th-Field Day/Picnic/Author's Celebration (more info to follow)
June 15th-Last Day of School

Barnes Nature Center Visits Wheeler